Friday, September 7, 2012

Solutions and Questions

Solutions and Questions

It’s always been a cliché that all you need in life is to ask the right questions, there are a dime dozen sayings like that, and all of them miss the real answer. I’ve always found the solutions easy to find, and questions even easier, and I am not so arrogant as to think that I am any different from my fellow man. I think its not the questions that are hard, nor the answers, but it is what we are willing to give up that is hard. Those questions and answers are hard not because they are hard to find, but because they come with a price, and the solutions we seek are usually preferred to be with as little of a price as possible. The real question that we should ask when looking at the low cost solution and question, is if it is desirable to go with that or if the hard choice is the one that is best in the long run. A person can wait a eternity for the right question and solution, for the ‘magic’ wish, or one can go with the choice that has a price and a hard one. It might seem to be the best to go with the ‘magic’ choice, but it is my experience that the ‘magic’ choice does not exist and is a product of human wishful thinking, and of the desire to avoid the pain of facing the reality of what questions and solutions exist in the real world. A lot of the time somebody will say something is impossible or that there is no solution, but again in my experience what they a really mean is that the solutions they see are not the ones that they like. Therein lies the problem, we don’t like the questions or the solutions, it is not impossible, and there are a great many solutions, just none of them within our preference. Of course there is another problem the things we tend not to like we tend not to see, so when somebody say’s it’s impossible or there are no solutions, it might also be a case of their mind editing out the solutions they don’t like. There is problems with that of course, reality doesn’t care if we edit our version of reality, it usually says screw you to us, and then we get presented with the hard question and solution whether we like it or not. Eventually our remarkable capability to deny reality reaches its limits and we are forced to see the solutions we do not like, or not, and perhaps it’s the not seeing that kills us. There is a price for not seeing solutions and questions as well, and the ultimate price is the obvious one of death.

So advice, try and separate your ego from your mind, most of the time its more trouble than it’s worth, and  prevents you from seeing what you need to see,  and just because something is unpleasant  to you doesn’t mean that it still isn’t the best solution. In the real world there will never be a magic solution or question, so go with what reality presents not what your mind edits out.

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